Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Jason's Family

Jason is the third child out of five children. He is also the first boy in his family. His parents had all 5 of their children within 10 years and so they are all fairly close in age with about 2 years between each one. When Jason was younger he was the terror in the family and drove his sisters crazy with his teasing. Luckily they all forgave him and now he is very close with his siblings and his parents. In addition to the people in his family he also had a dog that was as much a part of the family as any person - Baillee.

Mom and Dad –
My mom and dad are a great example to me of the type of parent that I would like to be. They have always been there for me and have been extremely supportive. My friends always hung out at my parents home and even called them mom and dad. As I’ve become older I’ve been able to become great friends with my parents. Diana and I love having them come out to visit and taking trips with them. They are so wonderful and I love them.

Michelle –
My oldest sister Michelle is about four years older than me. She is married to a great guy – Mark – who is in the army. Because of his military service they have had the opportunity to live all over the world. Diana and I now try to visit them when they move to new places. They have 2 fun daughters, Morgan and Madison, and an adorable little boy, Logan. We love spending time and playing with the girls and getting to know little Logan. I admire my sister for her dedication – she recently went back to college and graduated with her degree in education!

Teresa –
My next older sister is Teresa. She is about two years older than me. She also married a great guy – Scott. They currently live in Utah only a couple of miles from my parents. They have three kids that keep us all on our toes: Danton, Abby, and Brayden. The kids are very active and love spending time with Uncle Jason and Aunt Diana (luckily we feel the same way). Their family loves camping, hiking, and sports. Scott and the boys are especially into hockey and college football. Teresa and I had the opportunity to go to college together right after high school and became better friends through that experience.

Shalen –
My younger sister, Shalen, is about three years younger than me and actually graduated high school with Diana. Shalen and I did quite a bit together when she was in high school and right after she graduated from school. She is happily married to Jeremy and they have four beautiful daughters: Sara, Ashley, Olivia and little Haley. They are so fun and adorable to play with. We love spending time with their family.

Micah –
And finally there is my younger brother Micah. He came along when I was about five years old. I was pretty excited to have a brother after so many sisters and we became great friends and allies. When we both returned home from our missions in the south we began hanging out together a lot. Micah was around the whole time I was dating Diana- in fact we went on many double dates with Micah during our courtship. He is currently attending college with his beautiful bride – Brittany.